Friday, March 21, 2014

Walled Gardens in Education

You can directly access my VoiceThread discussion by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. Dave, thanks for bringing to our attention the rules/regulations of CIPA, and organization I am personally unfamiliar with. I think their minimally restricted "walled garden" is fair and to be expected. Obviously we have to keep the weeds out! When it comes to schools making a personal choice about social media, I feel, as you do, that it is in their best interest to open access to these channels. As you mentioned, it's important that "you are learning what you need when you need it." Students can learn how to safely use "real" social media tools with guidance and practice, but they must be given the opportunity first. They will discover the benefits and pitfalls as needed and as they go along. The fear of misuse shouldn't be the sole reason for denying this learning medium in our classrooms. The benefits of social media are evident. I agree with you: we should be more afraid of the learning experiences that these kinds of restrictions are keeping OUT of our classroom than we are of what they are bringing in.
